Your Word

by PJWisaksono

Back to few decades ago, Bee Gees sang a legendary song: “Smile an everlasting smile, a smile can bring you near to me. Don’t ever let me find you down, cause that would bring a tear to me. This world has lost its glory, let’s start a brand new story now, my love. Right now, there’ll be no other time and I can show you how, my love. Talk in everlasting words, and dedicate them all to me. And I will give you all my life, I’m here if you should call to me. You think that I don’t even mean a single word I say. It’s only words, and words are all I have, to take your heart away.”

Great song and it sounds heartfelt when they sing “it’s only words, and words are all I have, to take your heart away.” But when you think about it, why are there only words?

In my opinion, every word is beautiful and will be more wonderful if we can arrange in a sentence, a paragraph, or a poem. As such what Rumi did on his poems. One example: “If I give my life for your sake, I will die well. And if I am the slave of your slave, I will be a happy price. I am crazy from those two curls like chains. I am entranced by those two eyes, enchanted by magicians from Kashmir.”

In some words, we also find something unique. As can be mentioned, there is a HELL in HELLO. There is an END in FRIEND. There is OVER in LOVER. There is a LIE in BELIEVE. There is GOOD in GOODBYE. And … There is FUN in FUNERAL.

For me, every word can show how I am. It is kind of identity and character. I still remember when at least there were two senior peers suddenly evaluated my words. First, that was due to my chosen words. As she had a high hope over me to be a good leader, she said that I should be careful of my words. At that time I frequently used improper words and she thought that it was not good in shaping my future personality. Then, another peer warned me for the same things, my chosen words. She said that as a law student I should pay attention on what words I pick and consider what the effect of what I did.

Then I realize that I choose the words that I use in the same way that I choose the clothes I wear and the colour I paint my lounge. Words are powerful, emotive and evocative. My choice is not accidental, it’s deliberate. Words say everything about me.

I also know that changing the way I speak depending on who I am speaking to and which circumstances I am. Not always in big ways, but always in some ways. I strongly believe that the way we select our words and the way we set in a sentence can be revamped as well. Reading a lot and making frequent conversation with friends are simple examples that I can do. Others, you can name it as based on yourself.

All in all, my experience in the usage of word hopefully can be a lesson learned for you and Your Word. Thank you.

Jakarta Toastmasters Club, Monday, 10 July 2023.