
Kamu tidak akan pernah bisa menarik simpati orang lain dengan harta benda yang engkau miliki, tetapi kamu akan menarik simpati orang lain dengan senyum dan akhlak yang baik.

By HR. Abu Yu’la & Al Baihaqi

The more I read, the more I meditate; and the more I acquire, the more I am enabled to affirm that I know nothing.

By François Marie Arouet aka Voltaire

 Success is the best revenge.

Your attitude will always determine your altitude.

Responsibility begins with me!

By a motto of Universitas Pelita Harapan

Peace is engineered by humans’ wise thoughts. War, on the other hand, is created by humans’ foolish thoughts.

By A monk said on Buddha’s Day of Enlightenment, on Thursday, as quoted from http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2014/05/16/call-diversity-waisak-celebrations.html.

 You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no.

By Mahatma Gandi

Worry not my child, for he is a man who would not take the easy way out, if it means it is for the good of the country. Those who know him well will attest to that.

By Boediono, A Vice President of Indonesia from 2009 to 2014, to his daughter, Ratriana Ekarini as quoted on Mata Najwa, Wednesday, 19 March 2014.http://video.metrotvnews.com/play/2014/03/19/220977/mata-najwa-di-balik-diam-boediono-6

I know you can do it, your family and your friends know you can do it, now you need to know that you can do it.

Things never happen the same way twice. So … Carpe Diem!

Respect is earned and gained, in a totally different way.

By By Kika Dhersy Putri on a daily newspaper, Jawa Pos, 16 December 2013, page 21.

Flawsome = Flaw + Awesome

An intelligent leader will always seek out flatterer instead of criticism. Otherwise, a genius will surely take criticism on his preference to tackle future challenges.

Inspired by daily personal life and quote of John Ciardi. He said “Intelligence recognizes what has happened. Genius recognizes what will happen.”

 Nam et ipsa Scientia Potesta Est (Knowledge is Power).

By Francis Bacon.

 Hina kacida anu teu miara kabuyutan nepi karebut ku bangsa deungeun nu kitu. Leuwih hina tibatan kulit lasun anu aya di jarian.

Hina sekali kalau kamu tidak memelihara tempat asalmu sendiri sampai direbut oleh bangsa lain. Bahkan, kamu akan lebih hina daripada kulit musang yang ada di tempat sampah.

By Kropak 632 Amanat Galunggung. Kompas: Jumat, 14 September 2012, Halaman 34.

 You can work hard, but don’t forget to whom you work hard.

Habibie mungkin sudah berpikir 30 tahun lebih awal dari yang dibutuhkan Indonesia saat itu. Hari ini kita mungkin perlu ribuan Habibie lagi.
Nukilan wawancara dengan Sri Mulyani Indrawati dalam majalah Marketeers edisi Agustus 2013.

If I make a mistake, I will take the blame, I will pay for it.
On an episode of The Apprentice Asia season 1.

I am trying to keep my finger on the pulse. Aware of the time.